File Number


Gertrude Johnson Baker (photo clipped from People062. Photo from Davidson Collection.
Unidentified lady at centennial celebration. Photo from Davidson Collection.
Group photo of centennial celebrants in front of town hall. L to R: Mr. Johnson, his sister Mrs. Baker. Back row: Mrs. Detly (sp?), Mrs McCutchen, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Light, Mrs. McNary, Mayor Morris, Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Muncaster (sp?), Mrs. Barta (sp?), Mrs. Nieson, Mrs. Jack, L.S.T. Tinkoom. 2d Row: Joyce Light, Mrs. Hurr, Mrs. Hazel Dunham, Mrs. Bonney, Mrs O'Donnell, Mrs. Henly, Mrs. Maggie Pillman. Photo from Davidson Collection.
Unidentified group in front of town hall. Photo from Davidson Collection.
Town elders observing centennial celebration. Written on back of photo: "Aug 1952 Pioneer Celebration at Steialcoom, Washington. A dear memory of "Old" Steilacoom to sweet friend Mr.s Gale, from Gertrude Baker. Dec 1952. Photo from Davidson Collection.
Rigney twins, Rose and Marcella. See description for People478 below for more information. Courtesy of Tacoma Public Library.
Rose Rigney O'Donnell and her husband, William O'Donnell. They married on May 15, 1905 at the Catholic Church in Steilacoom. William died in 1936. After the death of her sister's husband, Rose and Marcella moved into the family home in Steilacoom that had been purchased in 1880 by their mother along with two other lots for $800. The twins kept the vital records for the Western State Hospital until 1950. Courtesy of Tacoma Public Library.
Darrell Smith in his WW-I uniform. Darrell was the son of Jake and Nettie Smith, owners of the Smith grocery store in Steilacoom. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Darrell Smith in his WW-I uniform. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Darrell Smith in his WW-I uniform. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Julie Peck, Jous Karns (sp?), Billy Mann, Neil Attwood, Moody "Cub" _____, Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Darrell Smith in his WW-I uniform. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Left to right: Milt Davidson, Mark Hansen, Don Johnson, Keith Gotherford (sp?), Unk., Dave Thompson, Unk., Bill Sears, Dean Johnson. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Glenda Davidson sweeping walkway to "Rolling Hills" in 1980. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Unidentified group (possible Davidsons) celebrating at Saltar's Point. Notice bridged walkway over railroad tracks in background. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Mr. Herr, Don Hern (sp?), Mr. Hartloff with catch of salmon. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Unidentified women at apple tree. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Unidentified group (possible Davidsons) celebrating at Saltar's Point. Boathouse in background. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Dorothy Gale in old fashioned dress and bonnet. This red dress is currently (date of photo annotation unknown) in the museum at Olympia). Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Left to right: Gertrude Hansen, Nettie Harrington, unk., ______ Hersum, and Hattie Dimmick Frederick. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Unidentified group at unidentified location in (probably) Steilacoom. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Steilacoom PTA past presidents. Left to right: Esther Spreen, Catherine Pitts Mancaster, Sigrid Grondahl, Gertrude Hansen. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Unidentified elderly lady. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Steilacoom Minstrels performance. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Dorothy Gale in old fashioned dress and bonnet at Steilacoom Post Office. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Unidentified men. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Jake Smith (owner of Smith's Grocery). Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Unidentified man and woman. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Three unidentified ladies under apple tree. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Unidentified people casting off in small sail boat fron Steilacoom shore. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Helen Serfling. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Unidentified group at shore. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Unidentified group (possibly Davidsons) at remains of county jail. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Steilacoom (?) baseball team. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Left to right: Katherine Buchanan, Catherine Baird, _______ Fansold (Mrs. Marshall), and Gertrude Hansen. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Mayor W. E. Morris taking in the scene with Puget Sound and, far in the background, McNeil Island. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Steilacoom band in front of Steilacoom Town Hall. taking part in unidentified event. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Group enjoying State's Centennial celebration in front of Steilacoom Town Hall. Pictured are Mrs. Tinkcom (sp?), Miss C. Larson, Mrs. Antone Neison, Mrs. I. Young, Mrs Barte (sp?), Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Muncaster (sp?), Mrs. Bradley, Mayor Morris, Rigney Twins, Mrs. McNary, Mrs. W. P. Bonney, Mrs. K. Light, Mrs. Donham, Mrs. Ward Dunn (sp?), Mrs. Herr, Mrs. John McCutcheon, Joyce Light, Mayine (sp?) Detty (sp?), Mrs. Gertrude Baker, Mr. Charles Johnson. Photo donated by Milt Davidson.
Group enjoying unidentified event on Lafayette Street. Photo donated by Milt Davidson.
Unidentfied group on horseback taking part in unidentfied event on Layayette Stree. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Unidentfied man taking part in unidentfied event on Layayette Stree. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Mark Bennard, Ongram (sp?) Carlson, Bob Tollefson, and others celebrating the state centenial. Tollefson is in the dingy standing with back to camera. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Glenn Orr, last inhabitant of the Orr Home (a Steilacoom Historical Museum Association property), standing in the alley that ran to the west of the Orr property line. Glenn sold the entire half-block property (Orr Home, Wagon Shop, current Museum (then an auto shop), and historical orchard to the Museum in 1972. Photo taken by and donated by Lenore Rogers.
Glenn Orr (see People 515 above) standing at the northwest corner of the Orr Home. In the background is the fabled pear tree which "saved" the Orr Home when it later slid off its foundation during renovation of the home. Photo taken by and donated by Lenore Rogers.
Photo cropped from People515 above and lightened to better show facial features.
Group gathering of unknown people, possibly related to or friends of the Davidson family. Photo donated by Milt Davidson
Glenn Orr examining a cradle made by his father, Nathaniel Orr, a pioneer cabinet, furniture, and wagon maker,. The cradle, made of native maple was originally made for the Keach family. Keach built and lived in Rolling Hills, one of several historical dwellings in Steilacoom. Upon moving to the 1870s, Keach rented out Rolling Hills and eventually sold it. One of the subsequent owners was Clyde and Clenda Davidson. After several ownership, the cradle returned to the Orr family. Glenn Orr gave it to
Clenda Davidson in1941.
Russell Faulkner, Tacoma busnessmen and mayor of the town of Steilacoom, pictured here during a discussion of the increase in juvenile escapees from Western State Hospital.
In 2013, this photo was found at Cherrydale Primary by the school secretary, Laura Johnson. She was unable to determine who the subject was, or of which, if any, student the photo might have been associated. The photo was taken in the Bretzman Studio in Indianapolis which first produced photos in 1902.
If anyone recognizes the photo subject, please contact the Steilacoom Historical Museum.