Bernice Cox, Steilacoom teacher, and Elaine Northon
Marked as "People350A" but no 350A in log. Unknown who these ladies are.
Bernice Cox, Steilacoom teacher
Bernice Cox as a student at Ellensburg Normal School
Bernice Cox, Steilacoom teacher from 1917 to 1948
Twins Marian and Margaret Power, daughters of Fidelia Newberry Power (see People 326 above). She married Henry Power of Coupeville and died during childbirth of twins.
Fidelia Newberry. Taught school in Steilacoom at the Academy 1884-1887. Moved to Coupeville, W.T., with her brothers
Addie Cheney. Portrait by Tacoma Studio.
Barlow family. Jessie Barlow taught school in Steilacoom 1904 - 1910
Frank Newberry, taught at the Academy with his sister, Fidelia, and later taught at Coupeville
Joan Curtis and Donn Laughlin walking in the costume parade during the bicentennial celebration
Draftees reporting to Camp Lewis (later Fort Lewis) prior to WW-I
Amelia Newberry, wife of Charles Newberry who was paster of the Oberlin Church from 1885 - 1910
Lavonia Gass and son, Aubrey. Moved to Steilacoom in 1892
Barlow family on an outing to Lake Washington
Daniel Gass, third wife Emma, Florence Adella, Aubrey, and Conrad. Lived in Steilacoom and Tacoma
Helen, Florence, and Aubrey Gass
Oberlin Church minister Rodolphus Weston (born 1811), and wife Nancy Grover (born 1822)
John Rigney and twin sister, Ernstane (sp?). Mrs. Kanavan in background.
Daniel Porter Gass, blacksmith in Steilacoom and Tacoma
Rodulphus Weston, Baptist minister
Cyrus and Caroline Grover at wedding of Weston's (see previous two photos)
First annual SHMA dinner, potluck
Children and teachers in front of old Steilacoom school
Unidentified people in back of an outdoor table
Steilacoom School students of Zenith Densmore (see names in People346A below)
Captain William McNeill (for whom McNeill Island is named)
William and Mary Thompson and children, Evan, William, Jr., Hannah, and Kate
Steilacoom school children (see also Interiors217)
Names of Steilacoom School students of Zenith Densmore (see People346 above)
Bair family memorial day picnic. Names are superimposed on photo People349A
Professional photo of Bair family...John, wife, Mary, and mother, also Mary
Doering family. Emma and Nick came to Steilacoom in 1889
Godfrey family photo taken in Salinas, Kansas. Daughter Hattie married W. L. Bair
W. L. Bair standing next to Waverly Hotel with grandson, Bill
Ladies participating in townwide Centennial celebration
Bicentennial spelling bee during townwide celebration.
Shirley Barkley with George Kuper's tow truck
George Kuper, service station owner when the station was in the Orr property (where the museum now stands)
Lou Dunkin at the Twibell Service Station on Far West Drive
Franken Darville. Photo taken in Denver and given to Mrs. Saltar
Eudocia Bair Leech and Bernice Cox Bell. Both were teachers at the Steilacoom School
Gudmund and mother, Gertrude Evanger wating for a streetcar in front of Western State Hospital
Janet Tail, teacher in Steilacoom 1919 - 1955
Ellen Chapman Freckelton (daughter of Georeg Chapman above) at 99th birthday party. Also Beth Freckelton Julian and Christine Julian
Dr. John W. Waughop, superintendent of Hospital of the Insane (later Western Washington Hospital)
Janet Tail, teacher in Steilacoom 1919 - 1955
Vir (Virginia?) Dyer, drum majorette, American Legion Marching Band
Groundbreaking for new Oberlin Church at Rainier and Pacific Streets in Steilacoom
Vir (Virginia?) Dyer, drum majorette, American Legion Marching Band with two unidentified band members in front of Stadium High School
Captain Charles Wilkes, leader of U.S. Survey of northwest. Arrived in Steilacoom in 1841
Thomas Chambers, settle on Chambers Creek where he operated three mills
Dr. Thomas Tolne, factor of Fort Nisqually in the 1840s and 1850s. Person for whom Tolme State Park in Lacey is named.
Also pictured on page 98, Volume II. History of the Pacific Northwest - Oregon and Washington, 1889
Gertrude Hermann Betz on the Steilacoom Beach. Her parents ran the Waverly Hotel in the early 1900s
The Watland family, l. to r., Arthur, Elias, Edna, Bertha, Lillie, and Adelaide
Derville family at home, corner of Martin and 2nd Street. Lottie, Daisy, John, mother Lucy, and Frankie
4th grade class including Adelaide and Arthur Watlund and teacher, Eudocia Bair Leech
Lillie, Edna, and Adelaide Watlund with their friends, Winifried and Betty Warren
The Watland family, Elias and Bertha with their children Lillie, Edna, Arthur, and Adelaide
Adelaide and Lillie Watlund, teacher Mrs. Hall, and friends Mattie Doering and Edith Daily
Adelaide and Lillie Watlund at railway station Warren
Adelaide, Lillie, and Edna Watlund,
Elias and Adelaide Watlund and others at the Steilacoom doce
Bertha and Elias Watlund at home with children, Lillie, Arthur, and Adelaide
Watlund home. Photo taken at unknown date, later than People385A above
Arthur Watlund with friend Dorothy Price
Adelaide Watlund with friend Betty Warren
Note absence of trees in yard and picket fence, and presence of light pole
This and following photos of Watlund family donated to SHMA by Don Dresser of DuPont
Closeup of family on porch People387A
Derville family at home, corner of Martin and 2nd Street. Lottie, Daisy, John, mother Lucy, and Frankie
Eudocia and Godfrey ("Cub") Bair
Closeup of family on porch People389A
The Honorable L. F. Thompson
Christy and Jeff Bair, married and lived in Steilacoom. Christy 1870 - 1928, Jeff 1866 - 1926
Bair family at Hood Canal. Back, Robin Light, Joan Light, Jim Veirs, friend, Gregory Bair. Middle, Patty Bair, Kenneth Light, Beth Veirs Fyles, Marth Light Flemming, Dan Bair Stanley Flemming. Front, Jane Bair Light, "Cub" Bair, Barney Light, and Gary Light.
Mary Drew Bair, wife of "Cub" Bair
W. L., Hattie, Eudocia, and "Cub" Bair
Mary Drew Bair, wife of "Cub" Bair
Back to front: Bill, Susan, Barney, and Jane Bair at Hood's Canal
Eudocia and "Cub" Bair with cousins, Harold and Bob Nichols
Indian John and his wife, Indian Annie at the door of their house boat.l Annie is making a basket and John appears to be holding an axe handle.
Original is very poor quality.
Mary and Margaret Keister, mother and aunt of Steilacoom resident Jackie Dock
Pioneers of King, Pierce, and Thurston Counties gathering at Point Defiance Park (Tacoma)
Steilacoom Annie and Steilacoom John on their houseboat
Neil Henly of Steilacoom (photo clipped from People402 above)
Cast of Tugboat Annie including Ronald Reagan, second from left
Rigney twins and their granddaughters during 'Rigney family reunion in Steilacoom. The twins were born to John and Elizabeth Rigney in 1862 in a hand-hewn log house in what is now Manitou Park.. Marcella died in Aug 1950 and Rose in Mar 1951. Photo courtesy of Tacoma Public Library.
Neil Henly and Marcella Rigney Henly.
Neil Henly and Marcella Rigney Henly on their 50th Wedding Anniversary
Cascade Paper Company workers
Annual Convention of Washington State Federation of Federal Employees Unions in front of Steilacoom Town Hall.
Appointment of William Leech as Steilacoom Postmaster by President Warren G. Harding
William Leech at Steilacoom (in Bair Drugs and Hardware Store)
Cub Bair and George Henly after reconstruction of Bair Drugs.
Bair family. Jeff Bair is at far left, W. L. next to Christie Bair, far right
Cub Bair (in truck), Greta Henly Hess, and George Henly
Dr. Mary Perkins and son, Melville
Charles Martin at his home (1214 Lafayette) a fe months after his second wife, Florence Elder Martin, died. The house was bought by Carter and Charlotte Bass in 1948 from Mr. Elder, son of Florence by previous marriage. Charles Martin came from Wilkinson and helped finance the gravel pit.
Unidentified men and boy. Possibly a sports team judging from attire.
E. C. Ferguson (portrait superimposed on lithograph of Steilacoom). Ferguson lived in Steilacoom in 1858/9 before taking a claim on the Snohomish River in 1860. The cottage he occupied in Steilacoom was shipped to Snohomish.
Unidentified children on hill in upper Steilacoom (Puget Sound visible in background)
Boy Scouts and dads at the Steilacoom Boy Scout Chuckwagon Breakfast in Town Hall. Top row, l to r - Tom Hedges, Richard Fowler, unk, unk. 2d row - Richard Fowler, unk. Bottom row - Ron Fredrickson, Art Fowler, unk, unk. All the scouts graduated from Steilacoom in 1960. Identities and year teken provided by Art Fowler, March 2012.
Unknown, but probably well after in the early 1900s.
Carter Bass and dog, Shammy", in garden of their home at 1214 Lafayette (see People416 above).
Gordon Toole in front of auto garage at corner of Main and Rainier Streets (current location of Steilacoom Historical Museum). Original photo is out of focus.
Group sledding on hill in snowbound Steilacoom. Group includes Queenie Hoff (far left)k John Hoff, Stella Wescott, Florence Gamble, Alva and Charlie Armstrong, and Docia Bair.
Steilacoom Centennial spelling bee participants
William Dougherty, member of first Board of Commissioners, Pierce County (named by Oregon Territorial Governow)
L - R Steilacoom Mayor Robert Anderson, SHMA Salmon Bake Chairman Gerry Evanson, Steilacoom Police Chief John Micone at 1982 Salmon Bake
L - R Steilacoom Mayor Robert Anderson, SHMA Salmon Bake Chairman Gerry Evanson, Steilacoom Police Chief John Micone at 1982 Salmon Bake
Unidentified Steilacoom family
William D. Vaughn, founder of Vaughn on the Key Peninsula. Gunsmith and co-owner (with Fred Eisenbeiss) of the Pioneer Livery Stable on Commercial Street in Steilacoom which they purchased in 1880. Died in the 1920s.
Steilacoom lumber mill (probably Chamber's mill) and workers.
Steilacoom lumbermill (probably Chamber's mill) and workers.
Closeup clip fromSteilacoom lumber mill and workers in People432 above.
Steilacoom lumbermill (probably Chamber's mill) and workers.
Teamster (Nick Doering or one of his workers:?) with transport wagon in front of Bair Drug Store.
William Thompson and family in front of their home which was part of the settlement of gravel mine workers just north of what is now the railroad bridge over the Chamber's Bay outlet. Thompson emigrated from England in 1899. See below for identies of family members. The family later moved to Steilacoom proper.
Left to right: Polly Davis Thompson in doorway, "Grandma T." seated, William, William, Jr. (b. 1889) holding bike. The 1930 federal census includes William III but does not say to which son he belonged.
Daughters Katie (b. 1891) and Hannah (b. 1896.
Evan (b. 1892) on family horse.