File Number


Ella Marbarger. Note on back of photo refers to her as "Cousin". Photo was taken in Kansas.
Stereoscopic photo pair of Indian John and Indian Annie
Formal portrait of family children (family unknown)
Unknown person attending meeting with Senator John McCutcheon
Steilacoom Girls Glee Club
Chief Leschi of the Nisqually Tribe.
Senator John McCutcheon (second from left) during meeting of (town?) officials
People444 thru 464 are from the Davidson Collection, generously donated by Milt Davidson in 2012.
Tennis players on Steilacoom tennis court.
Steilacoom Minstrel Parade
Tennis players on Steilacoom tennis court. (Walt Watrous,Gordon Tool (sp?), Bud Powell, Gene Bailey, Ed Rujndquist, Andy Evenger, Dotty Bell, Thelma Jordan, Ann Evenger, Florence Basket
Unidentified laby in front of unidentified house
Unidentified laby in front of unidentified house
Little girl with man holding toddler
Mrs. Baird and others with pony
Clenda Davidson at Grandmother Clendenin's house
Mrs. Linkham in 130-year old dress, Mrs. Wist in 1890s dress
Lucille Cancheon (Sp?) celebrating 45 years of Oberlin Ladies Aid, Hattie Bair) first president of OLA), and two guests.
Clyde and Clenda Advidson at their house overlooking Puget
Boy Scouts Dens 5 and 1. Peter Monme (sp?), Milton Davidson, Larry Morris, Larry Jones, Bob Hedland (sp?), Kenneth Sharas,
Brujce Methven, Bud Pell, Dick Hulton (sp?), Lonny Easton, Johnny Shafer, Bob Stokes
Clyde Davidson with message in a bottle (see articles below)
The following four photos were submitted by Cathy Hash of Ellensburg, WA. She is very knowledgable about the Kiester family history and a keen eye when reviewing historical photos and their associated information. For example, she recognized Wm. Henry Keister in the thumbnail photo LBDB095 while its description was still blank!
Captain William Henry. Kiester (3rd husband of Laura Belle Downey) shown in his Civil War uniform. Original photo published in "Lives and Letters from Kiester House" by Donna Kiester Gibbon, page 101, published Oct 1987. Wm. Kiester born 1839, died 1926.
William Henry Kiester shown in his Civil War uniform while serving with the 103d Infantry Regiment in PA. Original photo published in "History of the 103d Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry".
William Henry Kiester shown in his Civil War uniform while serving with the 103d Infantry Regiment in PA. Original photo published in "History of the 103d Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry".
William Henry Kiester shown here as an older man. Original photo was published in "An illlustrated History of Klickitat, Yakima, and Kittitas Counties, Washington", page 812, published in 1904.
Unknown but probably ca. 1920 (he died in 1926)
Nancy Grover Weston's obituary.
Minerva (standing) and Nancy Grover Weston in front of their home, "Floral Home". See Nancy's obituary below as People470A.
This page was last updated: May 25, 2021