File Number


Events035A thru -035I are of the 1978 Apple Squeeze. When known, people in the photo are identified. Johanna Chrichton in period dress with hood.
Photos "Events036-001 through -057 are of the Bair Store Centennial on May 12, 1995. When known, people in the photo are identified. Vera Croce and Maria Fletter are shown in this photo.
Johanna Chrichton in period dress with hood.
Nancy Covert showing marble won by Mild Davidson
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Blythe and Kelly Morrison, Ursala Hall
Jane Light and other Bair descendants
Arline Brightman, Nancy Covert
Heather Thomas, Joan Curtis, Marilyn Cullen
Alice Watson, Phyllis Tyo, Jo Tyo
Nancy Anderson, Bernice Kiefer, Pat McCutcheon
Display inside Bair Store
Chris Crumley, Bronwyn G. Pughe
Photo of Mary Bair (Cub's wife) inside Bair store.
Photo Display inside Bair Store
Hat display inside Bair store. (Original photo is out-or-focus.)
Front window of Bair Store
Rose Kreger and Jason at front door of Bair Store
Jenny Hollister, Arline Brightman, Milt Davidson
Display of hats inside Bair Store
Display inside Bair Store
Display inside Bair Store
Photo display hats inside Bair Store
Display inside Bair Store
Paul Menter, Jordon Menter, Alexandra Menter, Sandra Menter Barry
Barney Bair, Beth Veirs, Brenda Leech, Christy Bair Sundvall, Trisha Viers
Sue Davidson wearing Bair iris blue sweatshirt in background
Jon Bareet, Janda Volkmer, Heather Thomas
Nancy Covert drawing for raffle winners
Gertrude Filmer outside Bair Store
Barbara Williams, winner of lunch for two at Bair
Display of Wagon Shop tools.
Trish Laughlin, Walt Fletter, Jodie Davis
Gertrude Filmer outside Bair Store
Joan Curtis, Marilyn Cullen
Trisha Viers,Trish Laughlin, Margaret Wilkenson
Janda Volkmer, Patty Forsyth
Steilacoom Mayor Janda Volkmer
Barney Bair, left, Jane Light, right, with other Bair descendants in between
Event (probably 4th of July parade) on Lafayette Street in front of Bair Drugs. Photo donated by Milt Davidson.
Men grilling salmon at Salmon Bake. Photo donated by Milt Davidson.
Ticket taker at Salmon Bake. Photo donated by Milt Davidson.
Oscar Jordan dishing bean salad at Salmon Bake. Oscar is wearing a 1997 4th of July shirt which dates this (and following two) photo as being shot . Photo donated by Milt Davidson.