File Number


End of "Events" category. Go back to Historical Photos main page.
The Events010-series of photos, not available when the preceding Events photos were uploaded, are presented below
4th of July parade, year unknown
4th of July parade, year unknown
Events010C through 010I are from the 1991 4th of July Parade
Events010Q and 010R are from the 1985 4th of July Parade
Events010T through and 010Z are from the 1985 4th of July Parade
Steilacoom Mayor Bob Anderson and his wife, Nancy
Lettice McCoy and Linda Evanson
Events027A through 027K are from the 1987 "Apple Squeeze"
Events027L through Events028G are from the August 8, 1971 "Salmon Bake", the first sponsored by SHMA!!
Events029A throught 029K are from the 1970 Christmas "SHMA Annual Meeting"
Lakewood Cooperative School visit to Steilacoom Police Station. Submitted by Michelle Pihlman.
Lakewood Cooperative School visit to Steilacoom Police Station. Submitted by Michelle Pihlman.
Lakewood Cooperative School visit to Steilacoom Police Station. Submitted by Michelle Pihlman.