File Number


The Events007 Series photos are of the mortgage burning celebration for the renovated Orr Home. One of the ladies shown in 007A is Bette Bradley.
The Events006 Series photos are from the 1992 SHMA Apple Squeeze
Events006O through 006Z photos were taken by photogapher Jacquueline Dock of Steilacoom
Events008A through 008Q photos are of the burning of the Orr Home mortgage, May 1990
Events008S through 008Z photos are from the Bicentennial Celebrations in 1976, some of which are of the Fashion Parade event. Pioneer descendant Greta Henly Herr and Cub Scout Michael Smith raise the Steilacoom Bicentennial flag. August 1976.
Greta Henly Herr and Town Crier Allen Forsyth in front of Bair Store.
Greta Henly Herr and Town Crier Allen Forsyth in front of Bair Store.
Dedication of Bicentennial Park (officially known as Pioneer Orchard Park). L to R - Alice Watson, Lou Dunkin, Mel Waggoner, Steve Pearsall, and Janda Volkmer.
Greta Henly Herr and Town Crier Allen Forsyth in front of Bair Store.
Greta Henly Herr and Town Crier Allen Forsyth in front of Bair Store.
Bicentennial Commmission with new Park sign. Back row, L to R - Steve Pearsal, Mandy Pearsall, Donn Laughlin, Emogene Waggoner, Mell Waggoner, Alice Watson, Lou Dunkin, Mayor Lyle Dunkin with Bicentennial time capsule. Front row, L to R - Stevie Pearsall, Marta Watson, Tracy Pearsall, John Waggonner.
Crowd leaving after dedication of restore Bair Drug Store, August 21, 1976. Waverly Hotel (former E. R. Rogers House) at right in background).
Eudocia ("Docia") Bair Leech, donor of land (to left in photo) for mini-park by Bair Drug Store. August 21, 1976.
Street Fashion Parade. Front row, L to R - Amy Curtis, Martha Hellyer, Tammie Pearsall, Nancy Anderson, Joan Curtis, Donn Laughlin. Back row - Marge Brock, unknown, Pat Washburn, Alice Watson, Mandy Pearsall, Lenore Rogers, Durive Harris (hidden), Clenda Davidson, Louella Harkness, Lane Lester, Barbara Welfringer, Nancy Hellyer, Gloria Stevens Ted Haley, and two members of the Model T Club.
The Events009 Series is a collection of photos from the August 1876 Bicentennial Celebration. The celebration included many events such as the Fashion Parade shown in 009A. Back row, L to R - Jillian Herd Bryan with baby Wendy, Lou Dunkin, Terrill Hellyer, Pat Washburn and Baby son, Marcie Norden, Mandy Pearsall. Front Row - Elizabeth and Mary Bryan (small children), Marta Eatson, Tracy Watson, Amy Curtis, Martha Hellyer, and Tammie Pearsall.
Fashion Parade picturing "Rhinestone Rosie" (gay 90s performer), members of Black Powder Flintlock and Musket Club, and Matt Massey.
Candle Dipping - Diane Wiegand, demonstrator, with Frances Ryan, Marta Watson, and Kim Wiegand waiting in line.
Spinning and Weaving - demonstrator Carol Reeve
Soap Making - demonstrator Maxine Mathias
Rose Petal Beading - demonstrator Edna Dyer
Rug Making - demonstrator Esther Spreen
Dedication of monument commemorating historic Steilacoom - Olympia Road
Adult Spelling Bee. Participants L to R - Mel Waggoneer, Lynn Scholes, Diane Wiegard, Emogene Waggoner, Shella Elwell, Bob Volkmer, Margaret Marrill, Betty Solberg (runner-up), unknown, Gail Johnson, unknown, Shari Black, four unknowns, Prudence Soine, Dale Wirsling (winner), unknown, State Representative Ted Haley, Fred Rosevear.
Band Concert at Bicentennial Park. Performance by USAF Band of the Pacific Northwest.
Bicentennial Square Dance sponsored by Steilacoom Sun Dancers Square Dance Club. Included are Brent Fellows, Helen and Ron Romig.
"Medicine Man" show featuring medicine man John Waggoner.
"Steilacoom Stampede" 3-mile foot race for all ages, sponsored by Steilacoom PTA. councilman John Watson (left), Lenore Rogers (right) who challenged Sports Editor Tom Page (center).
"1 Reel Vaudeville Show" performing on Model A truck. Professional vaudevile troupe from Seattle.
Preparation of "Homestead Dinner", sponsored by Steilacoom Community Club. L to R - Oatis Branigh, Nancy Kudron, unknown.
Antique Bugy Ride. Driver Dr. Searles, Alice Watson, Mel Waggoner, Lou Dunkin, and Steilacoom Mayor Lyle Dunkin.
"Boat Race". Robgert Tate and canoe race/display committee, Ham Rideout.
Part of antique automobile display/parade.
Chief of Police John Micone. Roof of historic 1858 "Rolling Hills" home, currently (2010) occupied by Milt and Sue Davidson.