Bicycle bridge at Galloway and Cincinatti Streets on way to Western State Hospital
Martin Street bridge looking east toward school on hill
Martin Street bridge looking west toward Saltar's Point
Martin Street bridge looking west toward School on hill
Street car bridge at Lafayette and Cedar Streets
Bridge at Galloway and Cincinatti Streets
Bridge over railroad grade headed to Wilkes Dock.
Construction of bridge over Fifth Street Waterway at Champion and Fifth Streets
Street car bridge crossing Chambers Creek at site of present bridge and dam
Bridge, dam, and flume at Steilacoom Lake outlet into Chambers Creek which carried water to run Byrd's sawmill.
Railroad bridge at Tacoma Narrows Lumber
Martin Street bridge with icicles
Bridge at Galloway and Cincinatti Streets
Railroad trestle at mouth of 5th Street Waterway.
Railroad bridge crossing mouth of Chambers Creek