Photo Archives
Photo "Events"
Photo Presentation to Steilacoom's Memories Group - April 16, 2009
To honor their continuing contribution to establishing and preserving Steilacoom's colorful past, on the evening of April 16, the Steilacoom Historical Museum Association took the town's  "Memories Group" and their guests on a nostalgic tour of recently digitized historical photos of Steilacoom people, places, and things.

The evening began with a hearty lasagna dinner prepared by Joan Shalikashvili and Kit Hopkinson.  The group was mesmorized not only by the scrumptious dinner but also by a showing of many of SHMAs approximately 3000 digitized historical photos that randomly scrolled across the screen as they ate.
     Following dinner, a selected collection of approximately 100 historical photos was presented in a "show and tell" where narrator Joan Curtis told the group what SHMA knew, or didn't know, about each photo, and guests added their own recollections.  Four groups of photos were highlighted:  the Jack Leech collection recently donated to SHMA; the Rigney Collection; and selected photos from the huge "People" and "Scenes" categories.  Memories Group input will be very valuable in updating descriptions of archived photos.  Many also brought photos from their own collections to be scanned and added to SHMA's digital archives.
     Of particular interest to the group was a group photo of the Steilacoom School third grade class (in a year that will not be mentioned here!) where many in the group found themselves and many schoolmates.
SHMA is indeed fortunate to have such an enthusiastic and knowledgeable group supporting the growth and improvement of its archived photos...hopefully this will be the first of many more show and tells!  Such events can be initiated by contacting the webmaster.
E.R. Rogers Home/Waverly Hotel
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The support group.  Left to right, photo show narrator and SHMA Historian, Joan Curtis, and Chefs Kit Hopkinson and Joan Shalikashvili.  Buzz Brake, who digitized the photos, is behind the camera.
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